
Colin, Emilie & Molly

They make me laugh everyday...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Here today...Gone tomorrow...

At least it feels that way. Some days I love getting on my computer and uploading pictures, editing them and then writing about them. And some days, not.
It's been raining a lot in the northwest, which means I haven't been taking a lot of pictures and we haven't been getting out. By December we are usually done being couped up inside and venture out into the rain. But we aren't there yet.
I did finally get a chance to let Colin ride his bike to school and I pushed the girls in the stroller. That was really cool. Until I had to push the girls home which I swear is all up hill. then push them back to school to pick Colin up. By the time we  got home for lunch he said that he loved riding his bike to school but would love it if I could pick him up in the car next time. sure little dude...My arms would agree with that logic.
He also informed me last week that he was done going to school. Oh my gosh why? I asked. Is there someone mean in your class? Do you like your teacher? Is it the bus? you know, all of the usual I hate school suspect. No to all of them he said. He said it was because it's too hard. He has to do projects all day. what kind of projects? I asked.
I have to cut things out and some things in a straight line.
Poor, guy...he's going to have a really long 12 years.

Then, on Friday my poor Emilie got croup, again. Last year we spent 2 days at children's hospital. This year only a few hours. Thank god.
Now I'm armed with more education and liquid steroids.

After that shitty morning she was feeling way better and we did something spontaneous and played outside in the dark with glow sticks 

It was GREAT!

I've always joked that the 3rd born pretty much raises themselves. And once again Molly proved that true. She was playing on the stairs. Yes I wrote playing. And once again fell down them. Not all of them but half. Once she got up and brushed all of the dog hair from her face she got right back up those stairs and is now a pro at walking down them. that's my girl!

she has also realized its fun to dress herself...Her style is fantastic
(i shouldn't have to write this...but I do. That is my glass of wine)

If my computer ever speeds up to turtle pace I may post some more. But for now I'm going to cuss it out  and its snail pace and go play outside.
Its actually SUNNY!!

Later skaters...

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! I've been missing you & those glow stick pictures are FANTASTIC along with Molly's style. You know if Josh had been a girl we would have named her Molly :0) or Emma. Sorry to hear about your weather, wish I could send you some of our sunshine - we have plenty to share.


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